Monday, 26 December 2016

Git Basic Commands

  1. Create Repository
    1. Git init
  2. Clone Repository
    1. Git clone <repository path”
  3. Add files to repository
    1. Add specific file  
git add <filepath>
    1. Add multipe files git
Git add <file1path> <file2path>
    1. Add all the files
Git add -A
git add .

  1. Adding modified files
    1. Git add -u
  2. Delete files
    1. Delete the file using OS command (rm)
    2. Git add -u
  3. Renaming files
    1. Renaming files using os Command (mv)
    2. Git add -A
  4. Commit changes to staging area
    1. git commit -m “<change log>”
  5. See history
    1. Git log
  6. Difference
    1. Difference between two commits
      1. git diff <commit-6char-sha1>..<commit-6char-sha1>
    2. Difference from current HEAD to previous version
      1. git diff HEAD~1..HEAD
      2. git diff HEAD~1..
  1. Moving working folder to older commit
Git checkout <commit-6char-sha1>
  1. Moving working folder back
Git checkout master
  1. Undo changes
    1. For a particular file
      1. Git checkout <fileName>
    2. For all the changes
      1. git reset --hard
  2. Ignoring file always under working folder
    1. Creating a gitignore file
  3. Graph and one line logs
    1. git log --oneline --graph
  4. Logs by authors and commit messages
    1. git shortlog
    2. git shortlog -sne
  5. Remote  Name
    1. Git remote
    2. git remote -v
  6. Viewing branches
    1. git branch
    2. Remote branches
      1. Git branch -r

  1. Viewing Tags
    1. Git tag
  2. Adding local repository to remote
    1. Git remote add origin
  3. Fetch changes from remote
    1. git fetch
  4. Merge  changes
    1. git merge origin/master
    2. This leads to fast forward
    3. git commit after git status
  5. Git pull for fetch + merge
  6. Set the upstream branch for pull to work
    1. Git branch --set-upstreamto master=origin/master
  7. Create a tag
    1. git tag v1.0
  8. Pushing tags to remote
    1. Git push --tags
  9. Create local branch
    1. Git checkout -b “branchname”
  10. Commiting a local branch to remote
    1. git push <remote-name> <local-branch-name>:<remote-branch-name>
    2. For subsequent pushes
      1. git push -u <remote-name> <local-branch-name>
  1. Checkout remote branch
    1. Git checkout <remotebranchname>
      1. (git checkout ImportantFix)
  2. Viewing all branches
    1. $ git log --graph  --oneline --all --decorate


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